Nepal Family Cohort Study ( NeFCoS ) is a longitudinal family cohort study that is mostly concerned with the management of health adversities and development. This implies that NeFCoS researchers are continuously monitoring the study subjects as they mature and change from childhood to adolescents and adolescence to adulthood. Instead of looking retrospectively, NeFCoS researchers follow the children prospectively as they mature in order to correctly identify the effect of different early life exposures on health and disease. NeFCoS findings will influence medical practice, parenting choices, consumer product regulation, and policy development—from building codes and household purchasing behaviors to decisions about childbirth and delivery, diet, breastfeeding, cleaning products used in homes, owning a family pet, and dealing with stress. NeFCoS is a multidisciplinary, longitudinal family cohort study and is designed to be one of its kind informative study conducted in Nepal.

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